Just so, the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve ...
~ Matthew 20:28
This team works behind the scenes to transform our Worship environment in a way that heightens the awareness of the festive, solemn, or penitential nature of the different liturgical seasons. Their quite presence is often unnoticed, yet the results of their labors are visible to all the parish community. A variety of helpers are needed to prepare a prayerful atmosphere in the worship space thorughout the liturgical year. This includes:
Seasonal Decorating Crew:
People are needed to arrange flowers and plants, to iron and hang banners, and to place other items appropriate for the liturgical seasons or special liturgies in the church, and the entrance of the church, prior to major feasts and seasons such as Christmas and Easter. Seasonal decorating assistance is also necessary at the end of the major seasons to remove the decor and properly store it for the next year.
No experience is necessary. Helpers must enjoy working with others, be willing to accept direction, and be able to assist with moving, lifting, and preparing items to be placed in the environment. Send an email to [email protected] if you are interested in being placed on the decorator list.
Linens Crew:
People are needed every week to launder and iron the linens used at Mass. Linens are typically taken home on Sunday or Monday, laundered, ironed, folded, and returned by Wednesday or Thursday.
Interested? Contact the parish office to volunteer!
There is an appointed time for everything, nd a time for every affair under the heavens. ~ Ecclesiastes 3:1
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion assist the priests of the parish in distributing Communion at Mass. There is great joy and satisfaction to participate in this wonderful gift to God's people. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are needed at all weekday, and weekend Masses.
Show a special love and care for the Eucharist and for all those who share in the Body and Blood of the Lord.
Must be at least a junior in high school
Must have received the Sacrament of Confirmation
Must be a practicing Catholic in good standing with the Church
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are expected to show the greatest reverence for the Most Holy Eucharist by their demeanor, their attire, and the manner in which they handle the consecrated bread and wine.
Eucharistic Ministers must arrive 20 minutes before their scheduled Mass begins.Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him on the last day. ~ John 6:54
Hospitality Ministers invite parishioners and visitors to gather after our liturgies on the First Sunday of the month, in an atmosphere of friendship and welcome. They extend hospitality to the community by providing coffee, juice, donuts, and a smile.
Hospitality ministers arrive 20 minutes before Mass to set up, and stay to clean up afterwards.
This is my commandment: love one another as I love you. ~ John 15:12
Lectors strive to make the Liturgy of the Word as meaningful as possible for the worshipping assembly by speaking God's Word as storyteller; telling how God has acted and is acting in our lives. Lectors must proclaim God's Word in a clear and compelling manner so that the worshipping assembly will be inspired to ponder and mediate on God's words in their daily lives. Lectors raise the prayers of the faithful to God on behalf of the assembly.
Two lectors are needed at every Mass. The first lector proclaims the Old Testament reading and announcements before the Mass ends. The second lector proclaims the New Testament reading and reads the prayers of the faithful (petitions) to God. Lectors are also needed for weekday and Holy Day Masses.
Fully initiated Catholic
Clear, steady voice
Comfortable reading in public
Practicing Catholic in good standing with the Church
Willing to study Scripture passages and take time to practice proclaiming the readings before each liturgical assignment to achieve effective liturgical proclamation.
Lectors are expected to dress in a modest and respectful manner.
Lectors arrive 20 minutes before their scheduled Mass begins.
Guidelines for the ministry and practical training are provided. Lectors receive a workbook with the readings for the current liturgical year to use as a resource in their preparation.
The Lord God has given me a well-trained tongue, that I might know how to answer the weary a word that will waken them. Morning after morning he wakens my ear to hear as disciples do. ~ Isaiah 50:4
Please arrive 20 minutes before your scheduled Mass begins.
Ushers provide a welcoming atmosphere at the Church of Saint Cyprian. The Christian hospitality shown to those who arrive at Mass draws people together and opens them to participation. The usher's smile and warm reception set the tone for the liturgy by welcoming both friends and newcomers to be at home as they enter the church and assemble for prayer.
Primary Responsibilities:
Welcoming people as they enter the Church
Distributing worship aids if necessary
Finding individuals or a family to present the gifts
Handing out bulletins after Mass
This ministry is open to all: women, men, young and old. Couples and families are encouraged to join this ministry.
Ushers are needed to arrive 20 minutes before their scheduled Mass begins.
For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me... ~ Matthew 25:35