Our parish will be using the material on FORMED to support our ministries and provide continuing education for staff members and parishioners, as well as outreach for our sick and homebound members.
The mandate of evangelization demands that pastoral workers, and indeed all the baptized, continue to be formed and grow in their faith through a solid prayer and sacramental life, catechesis, theological reflections, spiritual accompaniment, study of sacred Scripture, faithful citizenship, preferential option for the poor, etc.
To return to the recitation of the family Rosary “means filling daily life with very different images, images of the mystery of salvation: the image of the Redeemer, the image of his most Blessed Mother. The family that recites the Rosary together reproduces something of the atmosphere of the household of Nazareth: its members place Jesus at the centre, they share his joys and sorrows, they place their needs and their plans in his hands, they draw from him the hope and the strength to go on.”
“From ancient times the Church has had the custom of celebrating each day the liturgy of the hours. In this way the Church fulfills the Lord’s precept to pray without ceasing, at once offering its praise to God the Father and interceding for the salvation of the world.” -Office of the Sacred Congregation for Divine Worship