In our Gospel this Sunday, we read that the end times will be preceded with great tribulations: “the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will be falling from the sky, and the powers in the heavens will be shaken.” (cf. Mk 13:24-32) As we approach the end of this liturgical year, it is fitting that the Mass readings globally point to the end times. However, they do not only point to the end times, to the Second Coming of Christ or Parousia, but they also point to the end of our own mortal or earthly life. Although, the Gospel portrays the end times as frightening and terrifying, it does call for watchfulness, and conveys a message of hope and peace for all who trust in Christ. In the end times or when our time comes, God will not abandon us. He will send His angels, led by St. Michael, the great prince, guardian of God’s people to protect us against the accuser, and to lead us safely into God’s presence. Brothers and Sisters in Christ, let us not be troubled or afraid by the reality that our earthly life or this world as we know it will one day come to an end. Let us instead stand steadfast in our faith in Christ and be vigilant. Let us approach God in the sacrament of reconciliation frequently and receive mercy. And may we lead virtuous lives and persevere in good works.