Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Our world is plagued with human suffering. Both the just and the unjust, the rich and the poor, the great and the small are afflicted by suffering. In the face of all the world’s suffering, many have asked: Does God care about human suffering? Is God indifferent to the cries of one who suffers? The answers to these questions are evident. We just need to look at salvation history. Through the disobedience of one man, sin entered the world, and by sin death and suffering. However, God did not abandon us in the domain of death. Out of underserved love for us, He took the initiative to rescue us. When the fullness of time had come, the Father sent His Son Jesus, born of the Virgin Mary to deliver us. (Cf. Galatians 4:4-5) In His solidarity with us, God identified Himself completely with sinful humankind. He shared our humanity in all things but sin. He assumed all of humanity to redeem all of humanity. Our God became one of us to journey with us and save us.
This a cause for rejoicing. This is a message of hope and peace. We do not have to be afraid anymore. We are no longer alone and helpless. Our God has come to be with us. Jesus comes to offer us His love, compassion, understanding, protection and guidance. We may be facing serious battles in our lives right now. In whatever circumstances we find ourselves, we need not to be afraid. God is with us. Jesus arrived humbly, as a child, to gently and joyfully remind us that we are not and we will never be alone as we face all the battles and challenges of life. God, the Emmanuel, is with us every single step of the way. Christmas is a reminder of God’s generous gift and willingness to be with us always. Let us lighten our burden by entrusting our lives completely to our loving and faithful God who cares deeply for each and every one of us. Let us also ask Mary and Joseph to help us open wide our hearts to Jesus and go deeper in our relationship with Him. And let us be at peace for our God is with and for us.
On behalf of the Parish clergy and staff, blessed and merry Christmas to all of you!