At the death of a Christian, whose life of faith was begun in the waters of baptism and strengthened at the eucharistic table, the Church intercedes on behalf of the deceased because of its confident belief that death is not the end nor does it break the bonds forged in life. The Church also ministers to the sorrowing and consoles them in the funeral rites with the comforting word of God and the sacrament of the Eucharist.
Christians celebrate the funeral rites to offer worship, praise, and thanksgiving to God for the gift of a life which has now been returned to God, the author of life and the hope of the just. The Mass, the memorial of Christ's death and resurrection, is the principal celebration of the Christian funeral.
(excerpts are taken from the General Introduction of the Order of Christian Funerals)
Scheduling a Funeral Liturgy at St. Cyprian Parish
Funeral Liturgies are not permitted on Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday. Otherwise, Funeral Liturgies may be scheduled on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays at 10:00AM or 2:00PM, and on Saturdays and Sundays if the church and the priest are available.
The Chapel is available to the family:
Thirty (30) minutes before the start time of the Funeral Liturgy for preparation.
One (1) hour for the Funeral Liturgy
Usually thirty (30) minutes after the Funeral Liturgy for greetings and for clearing all environment and decor.
Readings For Funeral Liturgies
At the Vigil, Funeral Liturgy, and Rite of Committal, scriptural passages are read. The Catholic Church does not permit substituting other sources of literature for these readings. Poetry or excerpts from literature are appropriately read at the funeral home following the Vigil or at a later time when the family is gathered.
As part of the Funeral Liturgy planning, the family will be asked to select the Scripture Readings (one First Reading, one Responsorial Psalm, one Second Reading, one Gospel Reading) and the Prayer of the Faithful from the list provided by the Parish. The family will also be asked to designate baptized family members to do the readings and the Prayer of the Faithful during the Funeral Liturgy.